
(CS= Createspace (5″ x 7.7″) – LS= Lightning Source (4.4″ x 7″))

Deathsworn Arc: The Last Dragon Slayer Digital

Amazon UK – Amazon US – Smashwords – Kobo – Barnes & Noble (Nook)

Deathsworn Arc: The Last Dragon Slayer Paperback

Createspace – B&N (CS)B&N (LS) – Waterstones (LS)

Amaz UK (CS) – Amaz UK (LS)Amaz US (CS)Amaz US (LS)

Deathsworn Arc: The Verkreath Horror Digital

Amazon UK Amazon US – Kobo – Barnes & Noble (Nook)

Deathsworn Arc: The Verkreath Horror Paperback

Createspace B&N (CS)B&N (LS) – Waterstones (LS)

Amaz UK (CS)Amaz UK (LS)Amaz US (CS)Amaz US (LS)

Deathsworn Arc: The Blood Queen Digital

Amazon UK  Amazon US – Kobo

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